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講師 高橋の授業をこれまでに受講した方々の感想をご紹介します。
Kelly Cargos
Former Colleague of 6 years
Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin
Ikuya is rare among teachers. He’s totally committed to his craft, and he puts high demands on himself as a professional. Before every class, he makes extensive preparations, researching background information, checking vocabulary, and anticipating questions so that he can give his students complete support. On his own time, he’s invested in teacher training, earning numerous qualifications and accumulating experience so that he can cater to his students’ needs.
As much as he demands from himself, he demands the same from his students. When I observed Ikuya’s classes, I was surprised at how the room seemed to crackle with energy. Ikuya was firing off questions between excited bursts of explanation, and all of the students were on the edge of their seats. He was so passionate that it was impossible to sit there without feeling excited about the subject myself. That’s the type of teacher I want to learn from – someone who can light a fire under my curiosity. If I were to study English again, I’d like nothing more than to study with Ikuya.
Joshua Yardley
CELTA Trainer, Local Center Manager
Boston Teaching House
I had the absolute privilege to be Ikuya’s trainer on his Cambridge CELTA course. It’s rare that I come across a teacher who is so dedicated to the profession as Ikuya is. His care shows in his preparation and performance. Taking part in his lessons it’s like a work out. You are exhausted, but feel great afterwards because you pushed yourself harder than you ever have in any other classroom setting. It is for this reason that Ikuya earned a distinction in the course. He is truly in a level above.
大井 孝
高橋講師の新設講座を推薦します。高橋講師と他の英語講師との違いの長所は、彼が英語教授法や英語学ではなく、英文学を専攻し、特にGeorge Orwell 研究者であることです。同講師と私との出会いは、15年以上前に上智大学に私が出講していた時にさかのぼります。彼は英語習得のみに飽き足らず、フランス語も習得し、パリとロンドンに留学。ロンドン大学で国際政治専攻の修士号を取得しました。また日本政府認定の英語・フランス語通訳ガイド資格の保有者でもあります。
高橋先生はロンドン大学の留学から帰国後には数年間、国際教育振興会・日米会話学院の常勤講師として、Orwell 研究講座、TOEFL受験講座などで多くの教歴を重ね、明治学院大学、桜美林大学にも出講していました。
外国語習得の基本は多読です。その点では、Orwell 研究を発地点とされた高橋先生の英語学習講座は他の日常英会話中心の講座とは本質的に違います。
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