Oyamada is the Akutagwa Prize winner. What makes her story distinctive is the element of fauna and flora. Her depiction of flowers is effective enough to evoke the scent physically from pages. I believe one of the most important themes of this short story is “interpretations”. Spider lilies are usually considered ominous flowers with their poison in Japan. However, they are at the same time medicinal plants. Depending on the place where they grow, they can be the flowers which must be yanked out or the ones which remind us of autumn. A variety of juxtapositions between the city and country, the grand mother-in-law and the mother-in-law, red and white are interwoven. The border between what’s real and what’s fake blurs. What the grandmother-in-law says about breast milk and what the mother-in-law says about it differs. Who is saying the truth? Who is lying? The protagonist gets puzzled. So do the readers. Probably, they are both telling the “truth”. If you haven’t read Oyamada’s works, this could be a good start! This short story is available on the Granta website. I strongly recommend “The Hole” as well! Such a great story to start with in the year 2023!
『彼岸花』小山田浩子 赤と白、都会と田舎、嫁と姑、様々な対比が描かれる。この短編の一つの重要なテーマは「解釈」であろう。毒にも薬にもなる彼岸花。赤にも白にもなる彼岸花。群生する場所によって目の敵にされたり、秋を彩る素朴な花にもなる彼岸花。 物語は主人公の父方の祖母の法要の後、墓地の周りに生えている彼岸花を執拗なまでにむしり取る父親のシーンから始まる。不吉な始まりだ。この物語には様々な花や植物が登場する。彼岸花、菊、盆栽、見舞いの花、華道愛好家が活けた花。花は読者に様々なものを喚起する。強い香りが描写される件は、匂いが物理的にページから立ち上がってくるようだ。そして物語は象徴的に白い彼岸花で締め括られる。どぎつい赤色の野生味溢れる彼岸花と落ち着いた白の制御された彼岸花の対比が見事だ。